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How to help

Across the world, academics, and often their families too, face terrible risks.  They need to get away, urgently.  To help them to get to safety, we need funds - the more we have, the more people we can help.  

Our partners in universities and similar institutions already offer places and wide-ranging support, but the number of at-risk academics needing placements is rising rapidly, as a result of recent crises.  Again, we need more offers, to be able to help more people.

We also need the help of individuals who can contribute expertise and advice.

Any individual can help by making a donation - just click on the button below to donate online.  A one-off donation is really appreciated, but we particularly need regular donations to help us to plan ahead - almost all our placements are multi-year. Please become a 'Friend of Cara' by contributing £5/£10/£20 monthly.  

If you prefer to send a cheque, please click here for a postal donations form.

Universities and other institutions help by providing places with fee waivers and other support for academics who have been forced to flee their homes as a result of persecution, violence or conflict. Individual members of university communities can work with our Fellowship Programme to help Cara Fellows and their families to settle into their new, temporary, homes, contributing their time, energy and expertise. Some 400 also worked as expert volunteers with our Syria Programme (2016-2024), and we hope to build on this in future country/regional programmes.

  • Donate

    Please donate to support our work, which saves and transforms lives. A regular donation, large or small, is particularly valuable to us in our work.

  • Volunteer

    Without the involvement of willing volunteers, Cara might not exist today. Cara is always happy to hear from volunteers who want to support our work.

  • University & Partner Support

    Many of our university partners are already doing a lot to help us in our work. We want to deepen these existing relationships; and are actively looking for new partners too.