Syria Programme: Awarded Grants for April 2022 Call

We are pleased to announce the first three Syria Programme ‘April 2022 Grant Round’ research awards, with study team members in alphabetical order.
We are pleased to announce the first three Syria Programme ‘April 2022 Grant Round’ research awards, with study team members in alphabetical order.
‘Levels of Acculturation among the Syrian University Students in Türkiye’ Dr Maher JESRY and Dr Saad Alyamam WAFAI BAAJ
‘Appropriateness of applying a climate-smart agriculture approach in north-west Syria’ Mr Safwan ALHAIEK, Dr Mohamad Gazy ALOBAIDY, Dr Abdulkarim LAKMES, Mr Ahmad NABHAN, and Dr Basem SALEH.
‘Impact of the Syrian crisis and the recent drought on the availability and quality of irrigation and drinking water in northwest Syria’ Dr Omar ATIK, Dr Khalid ALHASAN, Dr Anas ALKADDOUR, Dr Ibrahim MAHMOUD, Mr Ahmad NABHAN, with Mr Hani JAZIEH.
Further awards will be announced in late November 2022 following review of requested resubmissions.